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Our God is a giving God. Every good and perfect gift comes from HIM (James 1:17). The greatest gift God has given us is His son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16). God also supplies all of our needs according to His riches and glory (Phillipians 4:19). We are able to give, because God has first given unto us. For us, giving is a form of worship, and a contribution to the progress of God's Kingdom. 

If you have been blessed by the ministry of Bethel East, and want to contribute to the work that God is doing through us, feel free to give here. We are thankful for your generosity! 

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Bethel East is a historic multigenerational church that is continuing the work of Jesus Christ in the earth with the power of the Holy Spirit. We are a community of believers that grow together, serve together, and worship together proclaiming and demonstrating the gospel of Jesus Christ in all that we do. We come together as a church for Christ-centered worship, and go out as a church for Christ-centered work.


5715 Holcomb Ave.

Detroit, MI 48213

Phone: 313-923-3060

Fax: 313-923-0021

Office Hours: M-F 9AM-5PM


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Sunday (in-person and online) 10am 

Wednesday Bible Study 

In-person 11am

In-person and online 6pm

Sunday School


Conference Call Line:

1-857-357-0254 Access Code: 127416#

© 2022 Bethel Baptist Church, East. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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